Move Toward™ with Jenna: Anger and Frustration

If you are struggling with feelings of anger and frustration, you are not alone. These emotions are natural protective responses that we all have and must work through when faced with trying circumstances. Counter to what one may think, if we wish to move beyond these difficult emotions, we must Move Toward™ them first––in order to learn why they are there and what they are trying to tell us. In her latest Move Toward™ class, focused on anger and frustration, Jenna Riemersma, a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Level III Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapist, EMDR therapist, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Supervisor (CSAT-S), Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist Supervisor (CMAT-S), and a National Certified Counselor (NCC), uses her “Three Steps of Moving Toward”––notice, know, and need, to help us reconnect with ourselves and gain a better understanding of where our anger and frustration is coming from. Jenna challenges us to ask hard questions like: What does anger want me to know? How is my anger trying to help me? What does my anger need from me in order to feel comfortable and not work so hard?


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